Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Moral Midgets

Our moral aspirations are so low that we consider it a major moral achievement to sort our garbage or carry groceries home in a canvas bacteria bag

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

We have often noticed an excess of signalling virtue on the outside indicates a lack of virtue on the inside.

Monday, November 26, 2018

John Denver conspiracy

Fact: Rocky mountain high by John Denver came out in 1973, ironically predicting the legalization of pot in Colorado in 2012. 

Fact:   In 1997 John Denver was mysteriously killed in a plane crash caused by "running out of fuel".

Theory: Due to his seeming ability to predict certain future events, John Denver had to be taken out before any of his other predictions could be turned into hit songs and influence future events.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

French Revolution - Root of All Evil?

As I read through history, I come to the conclusion that World War 2 was just the finale of World War 1.  The cause of World War 1 really lies with Bismarck and his desire to get revenge, through the Franco-Prussian war, on the French for Napoleon's humiliation of the Prussians in the Napoleonic Wars.  The only way Napoleon could come to power was though the excesses of the French Revolution.  The French Revolution theories trace back to Rousseau, so I conclude that Rousseau was source of evil of so many of today's problems.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Fall on the Farm

The evening is getting shorter
The light is fading fast
The birds are ready to leave
The squirrels are working hard
The first leaves tumble
The grass is wilting and brown
The monkey brains lie scattered

Friday, November 10, 2017

Big stick

We've gone from Teddy Roosevelt speaking softly and carrying a big stick to Obama bending over and taking the big stick to Trump speaking loudly about his big stick.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Modern Version of "First They Came..."

First they made victims of the Gays, I remained guilty—
Because I was not a Gay.
Then they made victims of the Blacks, and I remained guilty --
Because I was not a Black.
Then they made vicitms of the Women, and I remained guilty—
Because I was not a Woman.
—and then there was no one left to feel sorry for me.